Man at a boot fair

Margate’s boot fairs are like mini-adventures tucked into our beautiful seaside scenery. From the community-spirited Thanet Lions Boot Fairs at Drapers Mill to the family-friendly Palm Bay Boot Fair, let’s unwrap these local gems together.

Thanet Lions Boot Fairs at Drapers Mill

Location: Drapers Mill, St Peter’s Footpath, College Road, Margate, Kent, CT92SP
Contact: 0345 8339532
Dates: Starting 28th April and running bi-weekly until 29th September.

Thanet Lions Club is bringing back their beloved boot fairs this year at Drapers Mill, offering not just a chance to snag some fantastic bargains but also an opportunity to support local community efforts. It’s more than just shopping; it’s a chance to mingle, meet and contribute to a good cause—all within the leafy embrace of Drapers Mill.

A Day Out With a Difference:

  • Welcoming Early Birds: Gates open at 7:30 AM for sellers and 8:00 AM for buyers, perfect for those who like to catch the early deals.
  • Considerate Setting: Remember, it’s a residential area, so let’s keep it friendly and quiet as we treasure hunt.
  • Practical Nods: No smoking, vaping, or dogs on site, keeping it clean and pleasant for all.
  • Weather Watch: They’re weather-dependent, so check online before heading out, just to be sure!

Palm Bay Boot Fair

Location: Palm Bay Recreation Ground
Dates: 14th April, 12th May, 9th June, 21st July, 8th September, 13th October 2024.

The PTFA of Palm Bay Primary School invites you to the Palm Bay Boot Fair, where fun meets function in a spirited gathering of locals and visitors. It’s not just a place to find hidden gems but also a wonderful way to spend your Sunday morning, supporting the school and enjoying the community vibe.

Fun Features:

  • Fee-friendly: £9 for cars and £13 for vans. Cards preferred—let’s make it easy!
  • Family Welcome: Open to the public from 8:00 AM, with a wrap at 1:00 PM, giving you plenty of time to browse and enjoy.
  • More Than Shopping: Expect homemade goodies, a cup of hot coffee, and maybe even some bacon butties!

Why Visit Margate’s Boot Fairs?

Margate’s boot fairs aren’t just shopping trips; they’re social events where memories are made and where every purchase supports local endeavors. They’re a reflection of our community—welcoming, diverse, and vibrantly alive with the spirit of Kent. So why not join in? Whether to find that quirky piece of decor, pick up a toy for the little ones, or simply soak in the atmosphere with a stroll and a snack, Margate’s boot fairs are your Sunday best bet.